Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nutrition and wellness research paper Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Nutrition and wellness paper - Research Proposal Example On this basis, the topic I propose for this research paper is the nutritive disorder, Anorexia nervosa. This does not appear to be a personal site. It is the official website of the Renfrew Center – a mental health facility, which has centers in various states throughout the United States and a nationwide professional network. This Center specializes in the treatment of eating disorders. The author of the website, i.e, the Renfrew Agency, itself appears to be the sponsoring agency that has put out the information on Anorexia Nervosa which is contained in this site. The credentials of this organization are also evident on the site, because it has acknowledged that it is the owner of copyright and therefore the producer of the material on this specific webpage. This does not appear to be an educational site, it is a commercial site. There is no contact email address provided, but there is a direct link titled â€Å"Contact†, where a user has the facility to enter personal contact information, so that a representative of the Renfrew Center can get in touch. In addition, there is a toll free number that has been provided on the site, for contacting the Renfrew Center. This site appears to have been created as a promotional tool to generate business for the Renfrew Center. There are no advertisements on this site. There are several links provided for different sections of the community, i.e, for schools, for family/friends and for professionals, and the major focus appears to be the promotion of the package of health care services offered by the Renfrew Center. This web page is useful because it contains information on the disease. It also describes anorexia nervosa as a life threatening condition which usually â€Å"stems from underlying emotional causes.† This supports my thesis that the causes of the disease may be psychological. Source No:

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Voluntary Assumption Of Tort Liability In English Law Case Study

Voluntary Assumption Of Tort Liability In English Law - Case Study Example Policy considerations played a large role in restricting employee claims, in the interests of economic and manufacturing growth, as well as the principle of contributory negligence and violent non fit injuria. More recently, the law in this area has developed into a complex system based on the obvious potential problems created by broadening or narrowing too far the limits of the law. The courts have recognized that a single, simple test to determine psychiatric harm is not sufficient, â€Å"for reasons that concern both its potentially uncontrollable nature, and political and moral parameters imposed by the structure of western open-market societies on the legal system.†2 In order to fully understand exactly what principles and tests the courts adopt, one must examine the relevant case law. The law in this area is vaguely split into a) the psychological or physical harm actually occurring to the employee, and; b) the physical harm occurring to a third party, witnessed by the employee. In cases, where the harm directly occurred to the employee, the primary test is one of foreseeability; if it can be proven that physical or psychiatric injury was reasonably foreseeable, compensation for psychiatric harm is possible.3 Where an employee suffered a nervous breakdown at work, the courts indeed asked whether the breakdown was reasonably foreseeable, actual or probable physical harm was not relevant or necessary.4 Rose J confirms this, stating: â€Å"the employer whose system of work negligently induces psychiatric injury without any physical injury†¦is just as liable as one who causes physical injury.†5 Yet does the concept not appear a little simplistic? The issues surrounding the decision in Walker have the potential to open several difficulties – different jobs involve different levels of stress and risk, whilst individuals react differently to stress depending on their vulnerability.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Comparative Study On Compulsory Voting Politics Essay

Comparative Study On Compulsory Voting Politics Essay Compulsory voting can help people to meet their obligation for the democratic society and reduce the inequality of turnouts in election in USA. Introduction This study explores various aspects of democracy and compulsory voting in the present political scenario with particular focus on the USA. The Thesis Statement is: Compulsory voting can help people to meet their obligation for the democratic society and reduce the inequality of turnouts in election in USA. This paper is a comparative analysis of the works of different scholars on the democracy and voting. The topic chosen for the study is A Comparative Study on Compulsory Voting. The first part of the paper covers different aspects of the voting. The paper covers thoughts of Plato, Aristotle, Bellamy, Tocqueville, Kilborn, Zakaria, Daltono and others. Democracy and idea of compulsory voting do not go along as per the basic concept is concerned. However, unless the voting percent is high, the objectives of democracy can not be achieved. This opens avenues for discussion over the required and right approach for the compulsory voting and democracy. The countries compared and covered in this paper are Australia, America, some European countries like UK, France, Canada, Belgium and Thailand. Compulsory Voting Definition Compulsory voting has been defined in the following way: Birch (2009) defines compulsory voting as, Compulsory voting can be defined very simply as the legal obligation to attend the polls at election time and perform whatever duties are required there of electors. Concepts of Compulsory Voting Why to focus on compulsory voting? There are 29 countries in the world that have laws to fully force their citizens to take part in elections, and this constitutes a quarter of whole democratic countries (Birch, 2009). But in the compulsory voting states, the general perception about compulsory voting is that it is a relic of the past which has lost its utility in the present time and that it will ultimately vanish from the surface of the world as voters flex their muscles, states fight for their liberal powers and struggle to free themselves from all types of compulsion. In fact the states stand is definitely different from much modern political thought, which is more and more coming to see duties and rights as going hand to hand. Moreover participation in elections remains voluntary in many states. In the year 2006, there were three major reports issued on the topic of UK by the Electoral Commission, the Society of Hansard and Public Policy Research Institution (Ballinger, 2006; El ectoral Commission, 2006; Keaney and Rogers, 2006). The same problem is faced by France and Canada where prominent members have recently called for the electoral participation to be mandatory. The big fact that compulsory voting has currently received too much attention from practicing politicians whose suggestion that it is ripe time for a reviewing of the old institution of voluntary voting is alarming. Widespread, high voter turnout legitimizes government and helps correct for lower levels of political participation and influence among socio-economically disadvantaged groups. However, state efforts to increase turnouts are unlikely to succeed if they merely chip away at the already low cost of voting. To reach consistently high turnout, state actors must look to richer understandings of voter behavior. (Marisam, 2009) Oddly enough, there has not been even a single monograph available on compulsory voting in English language for 50 years. We dont claim that any studies have not been done on the topic. As a matter of fact it has been the subject of a range of academic journal articles, and its scope has been so much widened that it also touched on literatures as varied as on wealth inequality, etc. Yet compulsory voting tends to be studied mainly for context analyses which have principal objects for investigation. This aims to fill up the gap between scholarly literature by providing a fully detailed overview of the practice, history, cause and effect of the legal obligation for vote. If ever compulsory voting is to be introduced in polities, it is very important to have clear understanding of the different arguments for and against compulsory voting. One of the main functions of this study is to assess and evaluate the entire issue. Compulsory voting has been introduced in a number of contexts deal ing with a range of problems, from Belgium in 1893 to electoral corruption in Thailand over a century later in 1997. This research seeks to widen the study of compulsory voting by elaborating and systematically examining each of the effects against comparative proof from all over the world. Compulsory electoral contribution considerably alters the enticement structures which are faced by all the actors in the electoral field, from voters to parties and candidates and to electoral administrators. Compulsory voting is mainly investigated to understand and elucidate the impact of the institution on phenomena such as party strategies, electoral integrity, political engagement, electoral outcomes and policy outcomes. Drawing from a range of scholarly fields, this Article introduces a comprehensive framework for how state actors can conceive of and contemplate efforts to increase turnout. An understanding of how to engage core voter motivations, such as self-interest, social identity, altruistic cooperation, and community norms, must inform these efforts.   (Marisam, 2009) Conceptualizing Compulsory Voting It has been largely recognized by electoral behavioral lists that there are a number of factors that bring people to the polls. We can here conceptualize the incentives to vote which generally fall into two wide categories; push and pull factors. Pull factor in which pull includes the range of vote motive and it also includes wish to influence electoral outcome, it has expressive aim, goal, objective, identification with political contestants and perceptions of civil duties (e.g. Campbell et al., 1960; Riker and Ordeshook, 1968; Verba et al., 1978; Powell, 1980; 1982; 1986; Crewe, 1981; Rosenstone and Hansen, 1993; Dalton, 1996; Franklin, 1996; 2002; 2004; Gray and Caul, 2000; Blais, 2000; Norris 2002; 2004). The lawful compulsion to vote is a main push factor; voters are urged to the polling booths by the law and they are threatened by the sanctions. But still there are other kinds of pressures also that can be exerted to make people come to vote. It includes political and social in fluences and generally operates outside the ambit of formal political institution and it never can be marked effectively. Such types of pressures are known for bringing forth highest rates of turnout and have been achieved in different parts of the world- the USSRs frequently reported 99.99% levels of electoral participation (Bruner, 1990). Australian System of Compulsory voting as discussed by Young Hill, (2009) has the high turnout rates and high informal voting. Although Australias compulsory voting system (4) has led to a very high rate of turnout in Australiaon average around 93 per cent of registered voters (5)there is also a high informal voting rate and this has led to the political exclusion of significant numbers of citizens. At each national election in Australia, hundreds of thousands of votes are not counted because the ballots are improperly filled out. The informal vote rate is an indicator of social and political exclusion, with particular groups of Australians being inordinately disadvantaged. The fact that this indicator has increased in four out of the past five federal elections is of significant concern.  (Young Hill, 2009) A Typology of compulsory voting Form of obligation Sanctioned Unsanctioned Formal Sanctioned electoral compulsion ( e.g. Australia ) Unsanctioned electoral compulsion (e.g. Venezuela ) Informal Sanctions, benefits in the absence of formal compulsion (USSR) No Compulsion, little pressure to vote (USA) Table: 1 Full Participation Sarah Birch Political parties may also play an important role in influencing Coercive mobilization  (see Cox and Kousser, 1981; Hasen, 2000; Lehoucq 2003). At least, sometimes even ordinary social pressure proves to be a powerful force in encouraging and boosting people to vote. Campbell et al., 1960;  Rosenstone and Hansen, 1993; Blais, 2000; Franklin, 2004) It should be considered that while discussing compulsory electoral participation, we mainly focus on the cases where electors have legal obligation for polls. But usually, legal and informal socio-political forces play very complex role.   Participation of voters in the voting process due to legal obligation congruent with social and political norms must be considered a variation within state machineries along with sub-cultural, geographical or the other lines- in the forms of congruence. Ian McAllister and Toni Makkai have linked high levels of informal voting in Australia to the interaction between compulsory voting, the presence of large numbers of immigrants within the electorate and the complexity of the electoral system. (38) The frequency of elections, the disparity between voting methods at three distinct levels of government and the presence of compulsory preferential voting, all combine to create a complex voting system that makes it difficult for those with low English and literacy and numeracy competence to record a formal vote. (39) It is telling that, of late, informal voting in New South Wales has been higher than the national average  (Young Hill, 2009) In simple way we should understand that there are two ways of obligation to vote: informal (social and political) and the formal (legal). It should also be clearly noted that enforcement of formal compulsory electoral participation needs to be related to cultural environment and politics which help in the reinforcement of voting (i.e. congruence between legal and socio-political forces). Malouf puts it, compulsory voting `is a great leveler which forces us `to remember that however grand we may think ourselves, we have just one say like everyone else (cited in Jones 1996: 23). Zachary Elkins (1996:iv), wrote that from the idea Brazilian case, and suggested that compulsory voting laws are very important and it holds means civic habits and structuring a culture participatory in nations where democracy is not yet consolidated. Senator Nick Minchin has made the debatable argument that `compulsory voting has in fact a donor to the low level of political knowledge in modern Australia (1996b: 18), and according to Morgan Poll conducted in 1997 show that 67 per cent of Australians was in favor of compulsory voting. According to the Newspoll market research of Australian electoral commission 1996, 3rd march and 74 % was at the side of compulsory voting at the federal election. Compulsory voting presents very significant connection between vertically (between governed and gove rnors) and horizontally (between members of the electorate). It is silly and strange to suggest that voting is solution for many problems such like problems of power asymmetries which is linked with democracies, so it clearly seen that voting can work to restructure some of the effective marginality. Rydon (1997: 177) also stressed that genuine democracy needs that people should be completely free to vote. In the case, an individual does not want to vote than freedom should be in his hands no one can force him. Majority report of current parliamentary question on compulsory voting and stated: `if Australia is to consider itself a mature democracy, compulsory voting should now be abolished (Wright 1997). Stevens (1984: 84-91) noted that in this case voting became state election rule in Australia. It became compulsory in 1980. An education program was brought by Australian Electoral Office to explain election effectiveness, and voting propose was to prevent and effective disenfranchisement which is caused by informal votes (Jaensch et al. 1981). State and Government Ideal state and justice by Plato and Aristotle According to Plato only through society (state) good life can be possible. He also mentions that society is a natural institution and all human beings are political and social animals. State exists only for the sake of good life. Now according to Plato, freedom and economic well-being can not define good life. And justice should be the aim if we intend to have a good society and lead a good life. Justice is therefore must conformed by a true state (the Ideal of which exists in the World of Forms). And so state must not define what is just. Justice is an entity of knowledge, and it is one of the forms. This is the reason that every statesman should be a philosopher. And supposing he is not the same, he will only lead the state towards self-destruction. Justice for the state is equivalent to justice for any individual, and state must be regarded as a pattern of justice for every individual. According to Plato souls have three parts: Fig: 1 The City-State According to Plato justice always exists in individual when the lower appetites are subject to government of reason. The state should be in peace and harmony and this peace of the state is analogous to the peace of the individual. Recall Socrates self-rule. Freedom actually means what we have to do with wisdom and have ability to do what we ought. In other words, it is only when our appetites are subject to reason that every individual can do whatever they ought to do. This is clear that unjust person cant control his anger, and he can only moderate his passion towards money, etc. So for Plato justice is a form of order, a harmony between the appetites and reason. Plato also means that just person will never allow his anger to move towards something irrational in any way. So only in this way just person is truly free, so the same thing applies to state also that only that state which is just is truly free. Thus, the just state looks like the following Fig: 2 the City-State Justice in Aristotles View: (The Nicomachean Ethics, pp. 741-748.) The Greek words for justice and injustice are more unclear than the recent English vocabulary. For Aristotle Justice is a virtue-a sort of character feature. For him justice is a part of ones motives and behavior. He accepts clearly a line between all those who participate in a society/state but do nothing. According to him only few are true citizens of the state who take part in state. People who stay in state and work for it but do not meet any of the criteria of being true citizen and should not receive any benefit of political enterprise. Aristotle searches virtue in terms of the Golden Mean, if justice is a virtue as we think then it must be some kind of mean. Thus it must be some kind of intermediate act, between some sort of extreme circumstances. Sometimes, states character can be recognized by its effects and by the effects of its opposites. So roughly one can find out that a person is unhealthy because he holds certain types of characteristics which are opposite to healthy characteristics. Though Aristotle thinks that the characteristics of justice are vague and he feels to identify the characteristics for injustice and work. A person who does not follow law is unjust and greedy. The just person necessarily follows the law and seeks for his fair share in state. Greed: A person who is greedy only wants to grab everything. Every thing is not absolutely good or is not good for everyone but a greedy person can not understand it. Law:  The law is loyal to the benefit for all, or to the benefit for the best, or to the benefit for all those in power. Thus it serves the creation or the safeguarding of cheerfulness within politics. The law orders us to perform according to the mean. A well-written law follows the mean well and the poorly written law does not. So it is clear that Justice is a virtue that can be applied to all neighbors and fellow citizens. Justice is not a particular intermediate but it is a way of looking intermediates. It is justice for all fellow citizens, but when it gets considered, it becomes abstract. Education of the guardian by Plato and Aristotle Platos Republic is most excellent and is known all over the world for its ultimate defense of justice. It also includes an equally powerful protection of philosophical education. Platos ideas of education, however, are hard to distinguish because of the unnecessary details of conversation. Socrates (Platos representative of dialogue) posits two contradictory visions of education (the first is the education of the warrior guardians and the second is the philosopher-kings education), but he also provides a slight description of education between the educational methods he uses with Glaucon and Adeimantus. While the spectacular framework of the conversation makes facets of the  Republic  tricky to clutch, in the case of education, it also provides the key to locating and understanding Socrates factual idea of education. Socrates educational approach interlocutors directly correspond with his vision of the education of the philosopher-kings. And partly suggest that the allegory of the yielding is representative of factual Socratic education. The first explanation of education, however, is not an incorporated dialogue lacking reason. In accordance with the playful, progressive and philosophical education, recommended by the yield equivalence and the philosopher-kings education, Socrates uses many unreliable and frequently contradictory thoughts and images (among which is the first account of education) regularly directs his pupils in the direction of a personal understanding of knowledge and philosophy. The aim of education is to create a good man. By nature every man is good. He has to study to manage his animal behavior through the exercise of reason. Man behaves according to customs and reason as a rational being and he is able to have pleasure. Education aims at the development of the potentialities every man has. It must seek for mans intellectual capacities for development and personal growth and highest level of physical and mental strength and health. Form of government by Aristotle Aristotle discussed three more different kinds of constitution namely oligarchy, democracy, and polity in his works (Ackrill, 1997, Aristotle, translated by Ostwald, 1999). There are numerous kinds of democracy and numerous kinds of oligarchy. The words few and many envelop a range of social categories, reversing from one city to other, and the term rule covers a range of actions which are carried out with the help of various organs. This is a good matter to deal and activities are allocated to social category. It is clear which organ of administration is managed and controlled by which groups but all this is enclosed by the umbrella terms few and many. Depending on how closely power is scattered, there are numerous unusual kinds and forms of government in Platos table. In his book The Politics he distinguishes between good and bad forms of ruling, whether it is rule by many (democracy), by a few (oligarchy, aristocracy) or by one (monarchy). Aristotle in his book clearly stated that he was never in favor of democracy and democracy is not the best form of government. As it is also right for oligarchy and monarchy, rule in democracy is mainly for and by the people named in the government type. But according to him in democratic form of system, rule is by and for the needy only. In disparity, rule of law or aristocracy (literally, power [rule] of the best) or even monarchy, where the ruler has the attention of his country by his whole heart, are improved types of government. Influence of democracy on the feeling of the Americans Government, Aristotle says, must be by those people who have sufficient time in their hands to follow virtue. In present U.S. drive towards movement of financing laws planned to build the political life existing even without well- endowed fathers. It is very unusual from the contemporary generation politicians who only move by wealth at the cost of the citizenry. Aristotle believes that rulers should be propertied and leisured, so, without any fear they can give their time to produce virtue. Aristotle actually does not favor any one form of Government. There are possibly three types of government, oligarchy, polity and monarchy. Aristotle perhaps favors the last type. Polity is made up of the major groups of individuals who have slightest chance to do any real damage to the state. Oligarchy is made up of the aristocracy. And monarchy is made up of only one ruler. All these have the greater chance of damage because action can be taken by few individuals. For all time Aristotle approximately prefers a middle (mean) position to one of the extremes. Influence of democracy on the feeling of the Americans The book Democracy in America by Tocqueville translated by Henry Reeve says that United States paid very less attention towards philosophy in this civilized world. Americans dont have even a philosophical school of their own. They do care but very less for all the schools and in that sense Europe is divided, and the name of such a school is scarcely known to them. Democracy and Oligarchy Definition Democracy has been defined differently by different authors. A simple definition of democracy by Joseph Schumpeter is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the peoples vote (as cited by Cheema and Maguire, 2004) The democracy has been divided into different categories and countries are placed within different regimes. The Economist Intelligence Units democracy index is based on five categories: electoral process and pluralism; civil liberties; the functioning of government; political participation; and political culture. Countries are placed within one of four types of regimes: full democracies; flawed democracies; hybrid regimes; and authoritarian regimes. (The Economist, 2008) Table: Democracies across the world Influence of democracy on the feeling of the Americans( Tocqueville) According to the Tocqueville there is only one county on this earth where whole citizens enjoy maximum freedom of association for political purposes. America is the only country where continual exercise of right to association has been introduced into civil life. In other countries where political associations are illegal, civil associations are rare but connection between these two kinds of associations is necessary. In many states participation in elections remains voluntary and growing number of voices which call for making it legal obligation never gets successful. In the year 2006 UK issued major report on it which is clearly given in the introduction part. Here the main things to focus is that compulsory voting is very much appreciated by the political leaders who all are practicing and giving advice that time is ripe for a reviewing of institution scholar. Civil association facilitates political association while on the other side political association strengthens and develops the association for civil purposes. In civil life, every human may speak harshly so that he can be provided for his own want. When people have any idea of public life, they enjoy it very much. Politics gives birth to all associations in civil life but is rarely interested in drawing numbers of men to act concretely. It needs high quality of skills but in politics opportunities are present every day. In politics men come together for clear and great understanding and through this they make principles of association to teach them how to co-operate each other. A political association brings a number of people at the same time out of their own circle. Civil association never gets any contribution from political association. People look upon public association as a lucrative world because here people are free to do anything in a democratic manner. According to the aut hor art of association is like mother of action which can be applied to all. Liberal and global focus on democratic participation in election is democracy. George said that he even heard about America that voting is most important right as being an American citizen and him also mentioned that democracy is very precious system for people and for country. Relation of civil to political association by Tocqueville Reeve further elaborates American democracy by the condition of equality that leads men to entertain instinctive of the supernatural and exaggerated opinion of the human understanding. Men who live in social equality are not easily led to place that intellectual authority in which they blow beyond and above humanity. Every ordinary person commonly seeks for sources of truth in themselves, and this is enough to prove that no new religions and schemes can be established for such purposes as they are not immoral. This is again clear that democratic people will not give credence to marvelous mission; people will seek to discover the chief arbiter and go beyond their limits of human kind. An individual is compared with others for equality in democratic country as he is equal to others in civil society. In United States every individual adopts great numbers of theories on morals, politics, and philosophy without any inquiry upon public trust. This is a fact that political laws of the Unite d States are majority rules and the political community has sovereignty and this increases their power. Effects of compulsory voting on Australia According to Mackerras and McAllister (1996: 2) in compulsory voting Australia has an efficient system and it is probably oldest of any advanced democracies. In year 1997 Parliament recommended that compulsory voting necessity for referenda and federal elections be repealed and this was reported by Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters table. Few year back when Chris Ellison was Senator of Australia (the minister responsible for federal electoral arrangements presented a bill to Australian Parliament which was against prisoners of Australia and in that bill, it was about to deny prisoners rights for federal rights for voting. According to Senator Nick Minchin ( 1996a: 245,248) said that compulsory voting is a fundamental breach of civil liberties and that it is `inconsistent with the essence of a free and democratic society to force people to vote There was the claim that liberal- democratic principles of choice and freedom which violated by compulsion voting, on the other-s ide there are some fundamental democratic ideals and principles and that is: legitimacy, representativeness, minimization of elite power and political equality (Stevens 1984: 61; Johns 1998: 368-9). Since voluntary voting low down and give incomplete information regarding the electorate, one could easily argue on it that democratic principle of popular sovereignty enhances by compulsory voting. Those who all are free over the liberal principles in this philosophical war stated that compulsory voting post minor restriction on freedom of personal in comparison to the other collective action or problems which is resolved in democracies by mandatory such like: jury duty, paying taxes and compulsory school attendances (Lijphart 1997: 1). The fact that compulsory voting annoyance on the state to sure insertion on individuals voting, and also suggested that voting obligation is actually reciprocal one. So it is clear compulsory voting is a misnomer, it is only a kind of attendance at a polling place (entailing having ones name marked off the roll, collecting the ballot papers and putting them in the ballot box) that is compulsory. The AEC never search to force people to note their ballot paper, so therefore great chance and opportunity to participate in state activities. Compulsory voting is a nosy and odd incident but apparently neither it bothered to Australians, nor have they make compulsion for voting, very few asked questions against paradoxical status and liberal democratic relation principles. Many of the Australian felt that voting is not a compulsion in-fact it is a fair to understand that voting is undemanding civic obligation and it is seen in Australia mainly in political culture which deeply supported Aust ralian electorate. Compulsory voting functions as an agent of social cohesion which mainly focus on public etymologically: till what extent voluntary voting can shape of republic and this give understanding regarding the relationship between community and voting. Compulsory voting provides a rare occasion for solitary participation. Liberal democracy and global focus on democracy by Fareed Zakaria The US government is stuck on democracy that it has been keenly promoting it all over the globe. US State Department officials and politicians have connected eligibility for help to democratic improvements within the nations. Zakaria (2003) seems to have no objection to the aid. He just wishes that the United States would stop demanding that countries make democratic reforms as a condition for receiving the assistance. Therefore, many nations in Africa, South America, and Asia who have turned more democratic in recent years, but at the same time have become less free. What you end up with, the author writes, is little unlike from autocracy; albeit one that has greater legitimacy. Struggling nations require the rule of law and right and respect for individual constitutional liberalism very much. US government has been unconsciously approaching democracy on individual level. To take a step toward greater democracy is also obvious in America, however Zakaria (2003) does not like what he sees. He argues that people believe in the balance between the right of the majority and the will of the minority. America is at the same time pursuing a simple-minded theory that all people should value the legitimacy of democracy. This philosophy has destructed all old institutions and undermined all traditional authorities. Congress in America for example, is more democratic, but Zakaria (2003) adds that it is therefore more open to special-interest group pressures. The author too supports Zakaria (2003) and also states that spread of direct democracy that is, referenda and vote initiative is prevalent in the US. On these processes, Leef (2003) says; give us a jumble of laws, often contradictory, without any of the debate, deliberation, and compromise that characterize legislation. Zakarias (2003) solution moves towards decision making and that is not democratic, therefore sightedness and special interest pressure remains. Zakaria (2003) really admires Federal Reserve because it is insulated by democracy. However this book is not well thought about the problems which Americans face and there people are making many different political decisions democratically. According to the author constitutional liberalism must return but deemphasizing democracy makes difference in political institution. Here author says that earlier democratic system in America was very less and was totally authoritarian government mandates but still it passed a lot of legislation as Zakaria (2003) wanted, thats why the author says that Zakaria (2003) has lost sight of the goal and he never focuses much on the goal namely a restoration of constitutional liberalism. Conclusion In the last, the long arguments rem

Friday, October 25, 2019

Management of Change Essay -- essays research papers

Management of Change Journal Personal/Interpersonal Change Entry 1: On Thursday night February 10th, I left work at 8:30 p.m. Earlier that day my boyfriend asked if I had plans to go out that night. At the time I felt tired and I said no. Once I got home my friends called and asked if I would go to Riley’s with them and of course I did. I am the type of person that doesn’t go out very often, because I stay so busy with school and by the end of the day I’m usually too tired. I was out having a good time with the girls, when he called and asked where I was. I told him I was at Riley’s with some friends; I could tell by the sound of his voice he wasn’t happy with the situation. His behavior became aggressive, and because I had been drinking I became defensive. Some of the friends I went out with that night he seems not to get along with and feels that they have a negative influence on me. The conversation ended with him hanging up on me. We both engaged in aggressive behavior, because we were yelling at each other and said some things that normally would not have been said if we would have dealt with the situation differently. I lost focus of the problem because of anger and neither of us got our point across. I should have called and let him know ahead of time that I was going out with my friends and none of this would have happened. From this situation I have learned to be more considerate towards him with my actions and communicate without saying things out of anger that occur from the situation. The Material we covered in class relating to aggressive behavior is that we both expressed our feelings in a negative inappropriate fashion. We both also lost the message during expression because we both became angry and the point wasn’t conveyed properly. He also wasn’t positively influencing my behavior, because I just became angry and defensive with him. He became aggressive when I told him where I was at, and I didn’t call before I had went out to Riley’s. I became aggressive when he crossed on my side of the invisible net, and said the friends I was with was a negative influence. I learned that I need to be more responsible with my actions, like calling before I decide to go out and make plans ahead of time. Also instead of raising my tone of voice I should speak more calmly and remain more assertive. Entry 2: Friday afternoon February 11th I was t... ...y problems. So once my sister returned I said thanks for the offer for dinner but I’m going to go ahead and leave. I kissed her and the baby and told them I loved them and I left. I feel that I dealt with the situation correctly because he is the type of person that no one can get along with. This engagement relates to material covered in class because aggressive behavior is behavior expressing personal feelings in an inappropriate way where another person feels violated. He did not convey his feelings to me because he did it in a way that I wasn’t willing to listen to him and his opinion didn’t make any sense at all. I became aggressive when he told me how and what I should do to make my situation better when the advice he was telling me didn’t sound very appealing and I didn’t agree with it. He became aggressive when he realized that I wasn’t listening to any of the information he was telling me. From this situation I have learned that everyone has a different opinion and each person has a different way of expressing their opinion. Its how their opinion is interpreted by the receiver. I feel that I might need to be more open but I don’t agree with certain things he had to say. Management of Change Essay -- essays research papers Management of Change Journal Personal/Interpersonal Change Entry 1: On Thursday night February 10th, I left work at 8:30 p.m. Earlier that day my boyfriend asked if I had plans to go out that night. At the time I felt tired and I said no. Once I got home my friends called and asked if I would go to Riley’s with them and of course I did. I am the type of person that doesn’t go out very often, because I stay so busy with school and by the end of the day I’m usually too tired. I was out having a good time with the girls, when he called and asked where I was. I told him I was at Riley’s with some friends; I could tell by the sound of his voice he wasn’t happy with the situation. His behavior became aggressive, and because I had been drinking I became defensive. Some of the friends I went out with that night he seems not to get along with and feels that they have a negative influence on me. The conversation ended with him hanging up on me. We both engaged in aggressive behavior, because we were yelling at each other and said some things that normally would not have been said if we would have dealt with the situation differently. I lost focus of the problem because of anger and neither of us got our point across. I should have called and let him know ahead of time that I was going out with my friends and none of this would have happened. From this situation I have learned to be more considerate towards him with my actions and communicate without saying things out of anger that occur from the situation. The Material we covered in class relating to aggressive behavior is that we both expressed our feelings in a negative inappropriate fashion. We both also lost the message during expression because we both became angry and the point wasn’t conveyed properly. He also wasn’t positively influencing my behavior, because I just became angry and defensive with him. He became aggressive when I told him where I was at, and I didn’t call before I had went out to Riley’s. I became aggressive when he crossed on my side of the invisible net, and said the friends I was with was a negative influence. I learned that I need to be more responsible with my actions, like calling before I decide to go out and make plans ahead of time. Also instead of raising my tone of voice I should speak more calmly and remain more assertive. Entry 2: Friday afternoon February 11th I was t... ...y problems. So once my sister returned I said thanks for the offer for dinner but I’m going to go ahead and leave. I kissed her and the baby and told them I loved them and I left. I feel that I dealt with the situation correctly because he is the type of person that no one can get along with. This engagement relates to material covered in class because aggressive behavior is behavior expressing personal feelings in an inappropriate way where another person feels violated. He did not convey his feelings to me because he did it in a way that I wasn’t willing to listen to him and his opinion didn’t make any sense at all. I became aggressive when he told me how and what I should do to make my situation better when the advice he was telling me didn’t sound very appealing and I didn’t agree with it. He became aggressive when he realized that I wasn’t listening to any of the information he was telling me. From this situation I have learned that everyone has a different opinion and each person has a different way of expressing their opinion. Its how their opinion is interpreted by the receiver. I feel that I might need to be more open but I don’t agree with certain things he had to say.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hazel Case Essay

1.Hazel’s customers will most likely judge her quality based on how well their lawns are doing and by looking at the state of her other customers’ gardens as well. The customers will also weight the services she provides with the price she’s asking for. And the most important is her knowledge about gardening and how committed she is. Lawns should be taken care of regularly so she should manage her time precisely not to miss an appointment or neglect a certain garden. 2.a. Like any other business forecasting is a vital part of the operations. Forecasting is needed to manage inventory, time and cash expenditures. With forecasting Hazel will be able to predict demand thus will be able to book her two part timers for certain dates. With forecasts she will also be able to get enough quantities of the fertilizers and tools she needs for the job. A forecast will also tell her when there will be available time required for her machine’s maintenance. b. The inventory Hazel must have is fertilizers and seeds. One of the most important decision that Hazel must do on a regular basis is how much to order of each based on the shipping cost of each order and the available space she has for storage in order to minimize her cost (Economic Order Quantity). Hazel must also pay attention to the fertilizers and seeds’ expiry dates so that they don’t go unused. c. Hazel needs to schedule her appointment and her machines’ maintenance time. Once appointments are set for each employee she has to assign the time slots between herself and her workers. Weather conditions can drive her to reschedule as well as health conditions if she or one of her part time workers get sick and can’t go to the appointment and something personal of importance comes up suddenly. d. The quality of her work especially in the industry she chose is very important. Based on the quality of her work more customers will come asking for her services and she can then raise her prices. e. The maintenance that Hazel has to do is for the equipments she uses. She has to make sure all machines are in good conditions and that all the blades and scissors are sharp enough. 3.a. Working for a company brings a steady foreseen income but is subject to the risk of getting laid off like it happened to Hazel before or maybe salary cuts during economic downturns. On the other hand working privately has the risk of not getting any orders for a period of time. The private business thing requires full commitment even if she has to skip some of her personal obligations; on the other hand working for a company has defined working hours. b. Not expanding the business would limit Hazel’s revenues and profits and losing one customer would have a significant negative impact on her operations. In contrast, expanding the business might also have some drawbacks because it will require an initial capital injection from her side to buy more equipments needed, she will have to hire permanent employees to run the business, she will be required to pay close attention to the quality of service that her employees are performing. All of these extra expenses might outweigh the extra profit she will get from the expansion so forecasts will play an vital role in her decisions on whether to expand or not. c. Launching a website would help Hazel reach a clientele she can’t possibly reach via marketing between her neighbors. However, the website she launches might get her more orders than she can possibly fulfill with her current capacity. Another important factor is that the website will need someone to monitor it and tak e care of it and if not enough orders come from the website then it won’t be worth its extra cost. 4.If the ordinance is passed Hazel can offer a new service to her clients which is moving their clippings. The advantages of the new service would be that it will bring her extra profit and it will be considered a dependent line of business that she can offer not only to the clients she cuts the lawn for but for anyone interested. The disadvantages would be the cost of getting new vehicles and new employees for the new business line and the complexity of running two different business lines simultaneously. 5.I think Hazel should send him the check first because she had given them her work (even if it wasn’t documented) and second because this would encourage other workers to share their ideas and not fear that she won’t pay them given they are only part timers. Another important thing is that this worker can spread the word that she didn’t pay him which will create a bad image of her in the market. The cost she will be incurring is the monetary value of the check . 6.a. The business Hazel deals in is affected by many other factors other than her work such as weather conditions and plants reactions to fertilizers. This outside effect requires more attention from Hazel’s side to make sure her quality does not vary dramatically because if that happens she might lose her credibility. b. If weather conditions are favorable then demand would probably decrease but if the conditions are unfavorable then the lawns would require more care from her side. According to the demand her inventory levels have to be set. 7.Hazel can consider offering a one month package, or a 6 month package or an annual one where the clients sign a contract with her for the whole period. Hazel can also offer bundle services in which she offers two of her services at a discounted price. Such offers would help Hazel attract more customers, will help her predict demand and will eliminate the risk of getting no new orders for a period of time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nuclear Weapon and High Quality Essay Essay

Writing an essay can be a daunting task for both teachers and students in terms of creating and crafting a high quality essay, and finally editing and grading them. It seems though we may have overlooked one of the toughest steps in writing an essay and that is actually selecting an appropriate and interesting topic for your students. Thankfully I have put together a list of 25 great essay topics that might just make that process a little easier. Enjoy. And remember to add any other great suggestions in the comment section below. 1. Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment. Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos. 2. Imagine that your teacher wants to teach a new subject for the next few weeks. Your teacher will take suggestions, and then let the students vote on the new subject. What subject should your class choose? Write an essay to support your choice and to persuade the other students to vote for your choice. 3. Are actors and professional athletes paid too much? 4. Should teachers have to wear uniforms or have a dress code? 5. Since the invention of nuclear weapons we have had a long period of GLOBAL peace and stability. Are nuclear weapons global peacemakers or killing devices? 6. Should boys and girls be in separate classes? 7. Is the death penalty effective? 8. To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable? 9. What age is appropriate for dating? 10. Pretend you woke up one day and there were no rules. People could suddenly do whatever they wanted! Explain what the world would be like. Use your imagination! 11. Should student’s textbooks be replaced by notebook computers? 12. Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools? 13. Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations? 14. Should money be spent on space exploration? 15. Is fashion important? 16. Are we too dependent on computers? 17. If you had the opportunity to bring any person — past or present, fictional or nonfictional — to a place that is special to you (your hometown or country, a favourite location, etc.), who would you bring and why? Tell us what you would share with that person 18. Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women? 19. Should students be allowed to grade their teachers? 20. In your opinion what factors contribute to a good movie? 21. The destruction of the world’s forests is inevitable as our need for land and food grows. Do you agree? 22. Many parents give their children certain chores or tasks to do at home. Should children have to do chores or tasks at home? Be sure to explain why you think it is a good idea or a bad idea. Include examples to support your reasons. 23. Should the voting age be lowered to thirteen?  24. Should the government place a tax on junk food and fatty snacks? 25. Should more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Analysis of the Leader

Analysis of the Leader Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, just like other leadership theories, focuses on leadership from a leader’s perspective, such as the style and trait approaches, and from a point of view of the subject and the context. However, the LMX theory has taken a step further to explain leadership as an act that mainly focuses on the interactions between a leader and his subjects. This paper will analyze the LMX theory based on its development, how it works, its weaknesses and strengths.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Analysis of the Leader-Member Exchange Theory specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Development of LMX Theory The LMX theory was first developed as the vertical linkage (VDL) theory. In the VDL theory, leadership is viewed as vertical linkages that leaders establish between them and their followers. The relationship that exists between leaders and their followers is merely a series of vertical dyads t hat keep the two together. In the VDL theory, two kinds of relationships exist between the leaders and their followers. They include the out-group, which is based on a formal recruitment, and in-group that describes the expanded and negotiated roles that the leaders assign their followers. A follower in an organizational setup that can belong to either the in-group or the out-group and this depends on how well, he or she associates with the leader. The followers, who work well with the leaders, normally have the highest chance of falling in the in-group. The LMX theory was developed by modifying the VDL theory. In the LMX theory, the relationship between the leader and the follower is established in two stages. The first stage, the acquaintance phase, involves the leader coming close to the follower with an aim of enhancing career-development social exchanges, which entail sharing information and resources at work. The second stage, mature partnership, is characterized by leader-mem ber exchanges that are of high quality. In the second stage, the leaders and the followers have at this point assessed their relationship and found out that they can benefit from each other. How LMX Theory Works The LMX theory works based on two principles; the first principle entails leadership description. In leadership description, LMX outlines the way followers in the in-group and out-group operate. The followers in in-group are closer to the leaders and for that reason, are entitled to more benefits at the workplace. The followers in this category, through the guidance of their leaders, are willing and capable of doing more than what is stated in their job description in order to help the company achieve its goals. Unlike the in-group members, the followers in the out-group category do not go beyond what is prescribed in the job contract. The out-group members do not perform any work that falls out of their job description. The leaders give fair treatment to the out-group membe rs as provided for in the formal contract. Since these members do not employ any extra effort in their operations, they are only entitled to benefits that are listed in their formal contract.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The second principle, the leadership prescription, explains the efforts that leaders employ in availing various forms of opportunities to help the followers adapt to their new jobs. The principle encourages the leaders to develop ways that can assist them build trust between them and the followers to avoid the coming up of the in-group and out-group categories. The principle ensures that the entire unit of a particular work is made an in-group affair to bring the leaders closer to their followers. Strengths The LMX theory has made significant contributions in the way people perceive the concepts of leadership. Unlike other theories of leade rship that do not touch on dyadic headship, the LMX theory addresses the dyadic relationship and describes how the relationship influences the leadership process. Secondly, the LMX theory through its description principle outlines the issues of work units by describing the contribution of every category of followers. It is through the LMX theory that leaders can be motivated to develop a good relationship with their followers. The theory warns the leaders to desist from exercising biased leadership and to treat their followers equally. The theory is the only one of its kind given that it describes how the general performance of a workplace is influenced by the relationship that exists between leaders and their subordinates. The theory also explains how communication influences leadership; this is evident in the high-quality exchanges that are described in the theory. Weaknesses Even though the LMX theory has addressed the most important aspects of leadership, it has a number of shor tfalls. The theory does not explain some of the important aspects of leadership, such as decision-making rules and promotions that are also known to affect how an institution is managed. The theory addresses the out-group and the in-group issues, but it does not explain how a follower can shift from one group to the other. In that case, it is difficult to create inequalities using the LMX theory. The LMX theory is seen to operate on a basis that violates some of the basic human values such as fairness. The theory advocates for creation of in-group and out-group options in a workplace. When the subordinates are divided into these options, they are certainly not be treated equally by their leaders. Lastly, the theory does not mention any empirical studies that it uses to reach the conclusions that it makes.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Look at Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks

A Look at Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks Free Online Research Papers Two historical figures that I think are very important are Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. These historical figures have many things in common, but they also have their differences. One main thing they had in common was that they were both brave enough to take some actions to change the way of living for the better. Their main goal was to stop the horrible segregation that was occuring in the mid 1900s. Their brave actions were successful and they had a huge impact on the U.S. They had different ways of taking their actions but either way they were a big help to the many other African Americans that experienced segregation of public facilities at that time. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Rosa Parks, whos birth name is Rosa Louise McCauley, was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. They were both raised a little different. King had the advantage of being raised by both his mother and father, while Parks parents seperated when she was young. They also recieved very different educations. King recieved a solid education and even attended College. Parks didnt have the chance to even finish High School. She had to drop out as a Junior in High School because since her mother and her were living with her grandparents, Parks had to leave school to attend to her sick grandmother. After that she never returned and instead got a job at a shirt factory in Montgomery. She soon married a barber named Raymond Parks who was a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). With his support, Parks finished her high school degree in 1933 and became one of the leaders of the NAACP. Both historical figures had the goal of ending segregation but they had different motivations. Rosa Parks motivation was that she was tired of having to give up her seat to white passengers in public buses. At that time the city code required that all public transportation be segregated and that bus drivers had the power of a police officer to carry out the provisions of the code. African Americans had to sit at the back of the bus while whites sat in the front. If the bus got too crowded, African Americans had to give up their seat for any standing white people. Rosa Parks wanted to put a stop to this and on December 1, 1955, she did. On that day she had a long day of work at the Montgomery Fair department store. She boarded the Cleveland Avenue bus for home. The bus had became crowded so the bus driver ordered her to get up and give her seat to a white person. Rosa parks refused to so she was arrested and found guilty at trial. After learning about her arrest, other members of the NAACP began to organize a boycott of Montgomerys city buses. All African Americans stood off the buses and instead found other ways of transportation. This boycott was a success and it crippled the transit companys finances. The city of Montgomery now had no choice but to lift the law requiring segregation on public buses. These legal actions with the help of the African American community made the 382-day Montgomery Bus Boycott one of the largest and most successful movements against racial segregation in history. Martin Luther King Jrs motivation was his summer experience in the North before he started college. He was shocked by how peacefully the races mixed in the North. This experience deepened his growing hatred of racial segregation. After marrying Coretta Scott in 1953, King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. When the Montgomery Bus Boycott started, after Rosa Parks arrest, King was elected the leader. He was well-trained and since he was new in town, he didnt have any enemies and was well respected. Although his home was desroyed and his familys safety was threatened, he continued to lead the boycott and one year and a few weeks later, the citys buses were desegregated. He didnt stop there, he then organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). King lectured in all parts of the country and discussed race-related issues with civil-rights. His most famous was the I Have A Dream speech. In late October he was arrested with 33 young people protesting segregation at the lunch counter in an Atlanta department store. King was released only with the help of a Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kennedy. As King had hoped, all these actions together had a strong effect on national opinion and resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act authorized the federal government to enforce desegregation of public accommodations and outlawing discrimination in publicly owned facilities and in employment. Aside from these differences, these two historical figures have many similarities. They were both raised during the time of racial segregation. They experienced so much hatred from these racist white people. This encouraged both of them to stand up and demand their rights as citizens. They were both important members of the NAACP and they actually worked together too. They did all they needed to do to get their freedom. Their actions placed both of them in jail but once they were out they continued to work even harder for their freedom. They were both big parts in the ending of segregation. Even after their death , they were both known as very respected and loved individuals. Research Papers on A Look at Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa ParksComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XBringing Democracy to AfricaHip-Hop is ArtStandardized TestingCapital PunishmentCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionUnreasonable Searches and Seizures

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Importance of Infrastructure

The Importance of Infrastructure Infrastructure is a term architects, engineers, and urban planners use to describe essential facilities, services, and organizational structures for communal use, most commonly by residents of cities and towns. Politicians often think of infrastructure in terms of how a nation can help corporations move and deliver their goods- water, electricity, sewage, and merchandise are all about movement and delivery via infrastructure. Infra- means below, and sometimes these elements are literally below the ground, like water and natural gas supply systems. In modern environments, infrastructure is thought to be any facility we expect but dont think about because it works for us in the  background, unnoticed- below our radar. The global information infrastructure for communications and internet involves satellites in space- not underground at all, but we rarely think about how that last Tweet got to us so quickly. Infrastructure is not American or exclusive to the United States. For example, engineers in nations across the globe have developed high-tech solutions for flood control- one system that protects an entire community. All countries have infrastructure in some form, which can include these systems: Roads, tunnels, and bridges, including the Interstate Highway SystemMass-transit systems (e.g., trains and rails)Airport runways and control towersTelephone lines and cellphone towersDams and reservoirsHurricane barriersLevees and pumping stationsWaterways, canals, and portsElectrical power lines and connections (i.e., the national power grid)Fire stations and equipmentHospitals, clinics, and emergency response systemsSchoolsLaw enforcement and prisonsSanitation and waste removal facilities for solid waste, wastewater, and hazardous wastePost offices and mail deliveryPublic parks and other types of green infrastructure Infrastructure Definition infrastructure:  The framework of interdependent networks and systems comprising identifiable industries, institutions (including people and procedures), and distribution capabilities that provide a reliable flow of products and services essential to the defense and economic security of the United States, the smooth functioning of governments at all levels, and society as a whole. - Report of the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, 1997 Why Infrastructure Is Important We all use these systems, which are often called public works, and we expect them to function for us, but we dont like to pay for them. Many times the cost is hidden in plain view- added taxes to your utility and telephone bill, for example, may help pay for infrastructure. Even teenagers with motorbikes help pay for infrastructure with every gallon of gasoline used. A highway-user tax is added to each gallon of motor fuel (e.g., gasoline, diesel, gasohol) sold. This money goes into what is called the Highway Trust Fund in order to pay for repairs and replacement of roads, bridges, and tunnels. Likewise, each airline ticket you buy has a federal excise tax that should be used to maintain the infrastructure needed to support air travel.  Both state and federal governments are allowed to add taxes to certain products and services in order to help pay for the infrastructure that supports them. The infrastructure may begin to crumble if the tax doesnt keep increasing enough. These exci se taxes are consumption taxes that are in addition to your income taxes, which also can be used to pay for infrastructure. Infrastructure is important because we all pay for it and we all use it. Paying for infrastructure can be as complicated as the infrastructure itself. Nevertheless, most people depend on transportation systems and public utilities, which also are essential for the economic vitality of our businesses. As Senator Elizabeth Warren (Dem, MA) famously stated, You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: you moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired workers the rest of us paid to educate; you were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didnt have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory, and hire someone to protect against this, because of the work the rest of us did. - Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 2011 When Infrastructure Fails When natural disasters strike, stable infrastructure is necessary for swift delivery of emergency supplies and medical care. When fires rage in drought-ravaged areas of the U.S. we expect firefighters to be on the scene until the neighborhoods are safe. All countries are not so fortunate. In Haiti, for example, the lack of well-developed infrastructure contributed to the deaths and injuries suffered during and after the earthquake of January 2010. Every citizen should expect to live in comfort and safety. On the most basic level, every community requires access to clean water and sanitary waste disposal. Poorly maintained infrastructure can lead to a devastating loss of life and property. Examples of failed infrastructure in the U.S. include: When the Oroville Dams spillway eroded, thousands of Californians evacuated, 2017Unsafe drinking water from lead supply pipes affected the health of children in Flint, Michigan, 2014Sewer spills during hard rains in Houston, Texas created a public health hazard, 2009The collapse of Interstate 35W Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota killed motorists, 2007Failure of the levees and pump stations after Hurricane Katrina flooded communities in New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005 Governments Role in Infrastructure Investing in infrastructure is nothing new for governments. Thousands of years ago, Egyptians built irrigation and transportation systems with dams and canals. Ancient Greeks and Romans built roads and aqueducts that still stand today. The 14th-century Parisian sewers have become tourist destinations. Governments around the world have realized that investing in and maintaining a healthy infrastructure is an important government function. Australias Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development claims that It is an investment that has a multiplier effect throughout the economy, generating lasting economic, social and environmental benefits. In an age of terrorist threats and attacks, the U.S. has stepped up efforts to secure critical infrastructure, extending the list of examples to  systems related to Information and communications, gas and oil production/storage/transportation, and even banking and finance. The list is the subject of an ongoing debate. Critical infrastructures now include national monuments (e.g. Washington Monument), where an attack might cause a large loss of life or adversely affect the nation’s morale. They also include the chemical industry....A fluid definition of what constitutes a critical infrastructure could complicate policymaking and actions. - Congressional Research Service, 2003 In the U.S. the Infrastructure Security Division and the  National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center are part of the Department of Homeland Security. Watchdog groups like the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) keep track of progress and needs by issuing an infrastructure report card every year. Books About Infrastructure Infrastructure: The Book of Everything for the Industrial Landscape by Brian HayesThe Works: Anatomy of a City by Kate AscherMove: How to Rebuild and Reinvent Americas Infrastructure by Rosabeth Moss KanterThe Road Taken: The History and Future of Americas Infrastructure by Henry Petroski Sources President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, October 1997, pp. B-1 to B-2, PDF at Summary, Critical Infrastructures: What Makes an Infrastructure Critical? Report for Congress, Order Code RL31556, Congressional Research Service (CRS), Updated January 29, 2003, PDF at Infrastructure, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Australian Government, [accessed August 23, 2015] Elizabeth Warren: There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own by Lucy Madison, CBS News, September 22, 2011, [accessed March 15, 2017] Highway Trust Fund and Taxes, U.S.Department of Transportation, [accessed December 25, 2017]   Ascher, Kate. The Works: Anatomy of a City. Paperback, Reprint edition, Penguin Books, November 27, 2007. Hayes, Brian. Infrastructure: The Book of Everything for the Industrial Landscape. Paperback, Reprint edition, W. W. Norton Company, September 17, 2006. Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. Move: How to Rebuild and Reinvent Americas Infrastructure. 1 edition, W. W. Norton Company, May 10, 2016. Petroski, Henry. The Road Taken: The History and Future of Americas Infrastructure. Hardcover, Bloomsbury USA, February 16, 2016.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Political science Political culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political science Political culture - Essay Example (Miller 2008) This is the Newsweek cover story for the December 15, 2008 issue. An examination in regard to how Miller has written the piece would demonstrate how the story could be classified not strictly as a news story owing to the biased reportage – one undertaken to advance the liberal view on the subject. Miller wrote and investigated an outline of the reasons why the religious arguments in opposing gay marriage are unfounded and unreasonable. The author’s involvement in the story underscores how this issue has divided American society, rousing the active political participation of stakeholders from both sides of the political spectrum in political debates and other initiatives so as to influence legislations in this area. The conservatives are rallying against gay marriage while the liberals are mustering its force to support it. The intensity of the debate is essentially driven by the fact that gay marriage concern two fundamental American values that are protected by the Co nstitution – family and freedom. Conservatives want to uphold the traditional concept of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. For this sector, allowing gay marriage is tantamount to redefining family and violating its function of procreation. Needless to say, much of the rationale behind their position is rooted on moral arguments and religious beliefs and doctrines, reasoning that the preservation of the traditional family is important in the stability and health of the society. With this, the liberals, such as the case of Miller’s article, are quick to refer to several passages of the Scripture that encourages inclusion, regardless of age, sex, race, etc. Furthermore, the liberals are emboldened by the recent favorable court rulings that put significant weight on freedom, choice, right and equality rather than the strict and conservative doctrines that may have been founded on religion. A specific legal foundation of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political science - Essay Example A country who practices isolationism believes in both of the following approaches: 1. Non-interventionism - Political rulers take decisions of not making alliances with other countries and not to fight against any country except to fight for the self defense. 2. Protectionism - Legal barriers are set to avoid foreign investors and cultural impact on local people. However United States also adopted Isolationism in 18th century by a memorable speech of George Washington in which he said that â€Å"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.† His speech was the foundation of Isolationism in United States of America and the country followed this approach for more than 100 hundred years. Before the beginning of World War II, the Crash of 1929 was a big economic set back for American government to re-think about its foreign policy of non-interventionism. Howeve r, the World War II was the major fear for America to drop its isolationism and jumped to help the rest of the world.

Financial and monitoring strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial and monitoring strategy - Essay Example The new Office and Finance Manager has proposed the following financial and monitoring system with special attention to the legal and tax information requirements of ATO. As Real-time is registered for paying both GST and PAYG, the company is liable to maintain and provide records pertaining to tax calculations. These records should be kept for a minimum of 5 years as per legal requirements. As the company registered last year for payment of both these taxes, it is proposed that back up copies of accounting records and information listed as below to be kept in both hard copy forms as well as in soft copies written to CDs. As Real-time is currently having a computerized accounting system with customized business software, it is not a difficult task to acquire the necessary information and reports. However there is a marked lack of procedures for maintaining some of the above records and proof of information such as cheque stubs, deposit slips and credit card dockets. At most times, these items are discarded at month end or misplaced without being file and kept for record keeping. As such it is proposed that a record room be allocated separately for safekeeping or accruing records, bearing in mind the minimum five year requirement for maintaining business records to meet legal requirements. Investment in a low range server is also proposed so that the company’s computer system can be updated and all personnel be linked via network connections. This upgrading will also facilitate the implementation of the fleet tracking and monitoring software program proposed in a bid to minimize idle times, and other costs associated with ineffective delivery activities. As GST is payable on the service bills of Real-time, the GST component of 10% of bill value will be recorded in all invoices. The invoicing system has been already adjusted to carry out this task and the GST payable component is calculated automatically by

Cause and effect essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Cause and effect - Essay Example An emotional effect of being angry is pessimism. Anger drives the positivity out of an individual and leaves them emotionally drained. As a result, the outlook of the individual on the world in general and people in particular becomes very pessimistic. While this emotional effect lasts just as long as the anger does, it can cause the individual to make negative moves that they might even regret later. For example, just because of a misunderstood comment on Facebook from an otherwise close friend, the individual might unfriend the person out of anger, only to realize later that the move was not worth making. Pessimism causes people to make uninformed decisions. In anger, people tend to overlook the positive aspects of an individual’s personality and expand on the negative aspects excessively. The ability to rationally analyze situations, people, and circumstances is sapped in anger. An emotional effect of being angry is emotional outburst. Anger saps intelligence and the abilit y of an individual to maintain emotional balance. Emotional outburst can be exhibited in different ways. While some people shout, scream, or yell, others become faint. In emotional outburst, people say things that they really do not mean to say. They exaggerate the matter at hand and other’s fault in it, thus not only sounding irrational, but also casting a negative impression upon the audience both that is related to the matter and others that are not. Emotional outburst also causes many effects to appear physically and reflect in the face of the angry person. For example, some people go very red in the face when they are angry, some people’s lips, hands, and limbs start trembling in anger, and yet there are others, who start to perspire heavily in anger. All of this is a result of the interaction between mind and body in emotional outburst. In emotional outburst, people even say things that are not directly related to the matter at hand. They may draw examples of eve nts that have passed several years ago, thus casting an impression upon the audience that they do not let go of things even if they seem to have forgiven. When people faint as a result of emotional outburst, their body temperature decreases and they turn white and pale in the face. Many people also perspire heavily when they faint. A physical effect of being angry is violence. Different people behave differently when they are angry. A reaction commonly shown by people in anger is violence. While some people simply enclose themselves in an empty room, and sleep away the anger, others start throwing things away, thus breaking them. A bad news heard over the television can seem a good reason to throw a vase at the LED screen and shatter it. Some people become so overwhelmed with anger that they ignite fire and burn away their possessions, rooms, and other kinds of property, thus putting others’ lives in danger in addition to their own. Possession of weapons can be potentially ha rmful for such an individual who cannot control themselves in anger. People who possess pistols have a tendency to shoot the person they are angry at in rare circumstances. Possession of weapons can be particularly dangerous when there is a fight between children or young adults. Out of immaturity and insanity, they are vulnerable to hurting or even

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Staff Report on Special Permit Request Assignment

Staff Report on Special Permit Request - Assignment Example The money circulation, good infrastructures, supporting services has made the town to have the best suitable entrepreneurial environment for businesses and firms. According to the 2008 community survey of the city of East Lansing on satisfaction levels of city services showed that about 90% of the residents agree that there is better services and good quality of life in the town. Majority of people are in support that the town is the excellent place to bring-up children (City Center II pp. 1). The city of East Lansing does provide a number of economic development initiates to majority of business which includes: Brownfield redevelopment which is a tax increment financing, downtown development which is an initiative by the down town development authority which does support projects redevelopment in urban sites and create a mix use projects that is carried out using assistance like public infrastructure and direct support for projects, entrepreneurial support by giving a technological based incubators to business in down town. Other loan programs are also offered by down town development authority locations in the town (City Center II pp. 1). 2.1 Zoning and uses of properties. ... ain an attractive community appearance and providing desirable living environments for residents by preserving the owners’ characters in the neighbourhood. The zones in Lansing do exceed expectations of the majority of the people living in the community. Within the town, one will be able to find diverse cultures, talents which go hand in hand with affordability, diverse and quality of services. Proximity to Michigan University provides enough workforces to the town. The population in the Michigan capital city does provide enough demand for goods and services. The council provides other services to the people around; the town contains river trails, excellent hospitals and other institutions like Lansing community college. The town is strategically located with Chicago being 220 miles away. Majority of the properties are used only as one family residential area (City Center II pp. 1). 2.2 Suitability of property to restricted zone residents The properties were to support the res idents of the region in a number of ways: it would support the city councils management in setting or laying down comprehensive city plans, housing plans, and downtown development and strategic plans. It would support west plan by providing a 5 year parking master plan. In support of the housing and residential sectors, it would provide quality to home owners by helping in renovations of obsolete buildings and providing residential houses for the emerging growing urban populations. The set up will provide a vertical urban development which will portray a number of mix uses including: restaurants and hostels. Socially it would integrate arts and cultures of the diverse populations living in the down town urban environment. The project will be beneficial to the transport and infrastructure

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Philosophy - Assignment Example Through this statement, we are able to know that human beings are superior when compared to animals, i.e. pigs (Hamilton, 73). Furthermore, through this statement, we are able to know that within human being, there are classes, and this class is between the wise and the fools. Socrates is a well respected philosopher, and he is considered as one of the wisest men, to have ever lived, and therefore, through this statement, Mills uses him as a symbol of wisdom. The principle of utility denotes that the behaviors or actions of people are right and good, only if they are able to promote the pleasure or happiness of an individual. This principle further denotes that the actions or behavior of people are unjust, if they are able to produce pain, or unhappiness. As a human being, there are instances whereby I have been faced with the moral dilemma (Troyer, 12). An example is a circumstance, when I was in a restaurant, and unfortunately, I had forgotten to carry my wallet with, which consisted of money. I ordered food, with the knowledge that I would pay, but unfortunately, I realized that I had no money, and a wallet had just fallen down, and the owner did not realize it. This situation, was a dilemma to me, because I had two choices, the first choice is to pick the wallet, remove money, and pay for my bill, while the second option was to pick the wallet and return to the owner (Troyer, 12). While analyzing these options, I had to choose an opt ion, that would make us both happy, my-self, and the owner of the wallet, and this option was to return the wallet. Utility appears in this sense, when I was able to act rightly, satisfying my conscious, and the happiness of the owner of the wallet, when I returned it to him. This theory denotes that workers will lose the control of their lives, and this is because of the loss of control over the work that they are doing. Therefore, a worker ceases

Staff Report on Special Permit Request Assignment

Staff Report on Special Permit Request - Assignment Example The money circulation, good infrastructures, supporting services has made the town to have the best suitable entrepreneurial environment for businesses and firms. According to the 2008 community survey of the city of East Lansing on satisfaction levels of city services showed that about 90% of the residents agree that there is better services and good quality of life in the town. Majority of people are in support that the town is the excellent place to bring-up children (City Center II pp. 1). The city of East Lansing does provide a number of economic development initiates to majority of business which includes: Brownfield redevelopment which is a tax increment financing, downtown development which is an initiative by the down town development authority which does support projects redevelopment in urban sites and create a mix use projects that is carried out using assistance like public infrastructure and direct support for projects, entrepreneurial support by giving a technological based incubators to business in down town. Other loan programs are also offered by down town development authority locations in the town (City Center II pp. 1). 2.1 Zoning and uses of properties. ... ain an attractive community appearance and providing desirable living environments for residents by preserving the owners’ characters in the neighbourhood. The zones in Lansing do exceed expectations of the majority of the people living in the community. Within the town, one will be able to find diverse cultures, talents which go hand in hand with affordability, diverse and quality of services. Proximity to Michigan University provides enough workforces to the town. The population in the Michigan capital city does provide enough demand for goods and services. The council provides other services to the people around; the town contains river trails, excellent hospitals and other institutions like Lansing community college. The town is strategically located with Chicago being 220 miles away. Majority of the properties are used only as one family residential area (City Center II pp. 1). 2.2 Suitability of property to restricted zone residents The properties were to support the res idents of the region in a number of ways: it would support the city councils management in setting or laying down comprehensive city plans, housing plans, and downtown development and strategic plans. It would support west plan by providing a 5 year parking master plan. In support of the housing and residential sectors, it would provide quality to home owners by helping in renovations of obsolete buildings and providing residential houses for the emerging growing urban populations. The set up will provide a vertical urban development which will portray a number of mix uses including: restaurants and hostels. Socially it would integrate arts and cultures of the diverse populations living in the down town urban environment. The project will be beneficial to the transport and infrastructure

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Against Euthanasia Essay Example for Free

Against Euthanasia Essay Freedom is defined as the power to determine action without restraint . Given this definition, is the practice of euthanasia morally justifiable or wrong? The debate of freedom arises. Euthanasia is acknowledged as a mercy killing. It is the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, esp. a painful, disease or condition. This begs the question: does an individual have the right to decide to take another individuals life? Religious groups would ultimately argue euthanasia is a crime against life. (Citation?)The issue of morality and ethnics are proposed. Is it moral to kill someone to take them out of their pain, as opposed to letting them live suffering? This is when spirituality comes into opposition with human rights. Euthanasia is a controversial issue that compares ones quality of life to ethics. It can be viewed as a form of suicide or a form of being merciful. Even so, does humanity have the right to determine if someone should die or not? Those who are governed by a faithful belief may see euthanasia as practiced against gods will. However, others may believe mankind has the choice over their own lives (Remove comma) and that the belief of god is a theory. Economic costs and human resources are legitimate arguments as to why euthanasia may be an acceptable option. Yet, could financial problems cause one to consent under pressure? Euthanasia denotes good death in Greek. This begs the question: does a good death exist? Despite it being acknowledged as painless, arguably it is still murderous. Society is forbidden to commit murder, making euthanasia contradictive, since it is allowing one to take the life of another. (Perhaps it may be helpful here to define murder.) Medically, euthanasia is the norm and portrayed as a gracious practice. Morally, it is dissipated and seen as an immoral exercise. Even though euthanasia is a merciful killing, it does not change the fact that it is murder. This practice is unethical and unrighteous. It should be internationally forbidden and prohibited. In 1999, Dr. Jack Kevorkian was sentenced to a 10-25 year prison term for giving a lethal injection to Thomas Youk, a man who was in the final stages of amyotrophic . (Perhaps here you can explain a little bit about the disease, i.e. what it does, what this mans life was like, what kind of pain he was in, what his future (if any) would hold.) Kevorkian saw his actions as a deed. Kevorkian stated that he has helped more than 130 people since 1990. The defense party focused on the issues surrounding euthanasia, while the prosecution concentrated on Dr.Kevorkians actions associated with Michigans laws. The prosecutor stated, This case is about what Jack Kevorkian did, and what he did under the law under the state of Michigan is commit murder. This trail did not touch base on the political aspect of euthanasia, but on the ethnical side. Thomas Youk videotaped himself consenting Dr. Kevokian to take his life, yet Dr. Kevokian was still charged with committing a crime. This is proof euthan asia is wrongful. There is no difference between Dr. Kevorkian and a medical surgeon when it comes to taking a life; the practice is still murderous. The court found him guilty since his actions were unlawful; meaning in general euthanasia can arguably be found a crime. A similar case in Saskatchewan occurred when Robert Latimer murdered his severely disabled daughter, Tracy, on October 24th, 2008. The reasoning for Latimers immoral act was he could not bear to witness his daughter suffering from a severe form of cerebral palsy. He killed her by placing her in the back of his Chevy pickup, ran a hose from the exhaust to the cab, and watched her die. Latimer was convicted on November 4, 1993 of first-degree murder. The following year he was convicted of second-degree murder. This begs a question: what is the difference between Latimers actions, killing his daughter who suffers  from excruciating pain, and a doctor who was given permission from a loved one to kill an individual who is also suffering from a brutal pain? A doctor must receive authorization to kill a patient who is overly sick. Doesnt Latimer have the right to take his own daughters life, since a doctor would have had to ask him anyways to have the right to kill Tracy? Latimer supposedly saved his daughter from being in pain, which is the same reason why many individuals chose to give permission for those who are not physically in good health to undergo euthanasia. His methods were the same as a person with a medical degree. He watched an innocent individual die. Latimer was punished since his act was seen as wrongful. So why it is that euthanasia is seen as merciful killing? Many thought Latimers behavior could be compared to the act of euthanasia, since it’s perceived as a compassionate homicide. How could a man who watches his daughter die is seen as a merciful killing? Obviously it was not, which is why he was sentenced for second degree murder. Are you suggesting that these decisions be taken out of the hands of qualified medical personnel? You could make reference to the qualifications of docto rs in these situations; it could contribute to your essay. John Pearson, born in June 1980 in Derby City Hospital, was diagnosed with Downs syndrome (http:// and was left in the care of a specialized consulting pediatrician, Dr. Arthur. Three days later, Pearson was found dead. Dr. Arthur was later charged with the babys murder. He was allegedly asked by the parents to take the life of this child, whom he killed by starvation. In November 1981, Dr. Arthur was acquitted of murder ( stm), due to him taking the life of a child with the parents’ consent. (If he was acquitted of murder, you cannot call him a murderer. You can refer to him as an alleged murderer, but because he was not convicted, anything else would be inappropriate.) This is proof that the practice of euthanasia is causing other individuals to believe they have the right to take the life of someone in their family whom is suffering from a disease or disability. (Are you suggesting thi s newborn was able to make their own decision as to whether or not they wanted to live with this disability? If so, why do we not allow children to make more decisions at a younger age? Why not let elementary students vote, for instance, or enter into their own legal contracts? Make sure your stances are logical and well thought out. The more times you allow an opposing view to poke holes in your statements the more difficult it will be for you to stay credible.) John Pearson may have not been as privileged (Remove comma) as others in society due to his disability, but he did not deserve to die. It can be argued that euthanasia is form of suicide. This outrages religious groups who see this practice as immoral (Remove comma) and against the word of god. Suicide denotes the killing of one self.(Citation?) Euthanasia, a majority of the time, occurs when individuals decide to medically kill someone who is undergoing crucial agony. This practice can be perceived rather as murder. Murder means to cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly ( (This statement and the one previous should be placed earlier on in the essay. You can then make reference to it here if necessary.) Either or, euthanasia is condemned by many religious laws. The Jewish perspective states that instances of euthanasia should be dealt with as such: any form of active euthanasia is strictly prohibited and condemned as plain murder( /Doctor-Assisted_Suicide.asp). Talmudic and Rabbinic sources state, One who is in a dying condition is regarded as a living person in all respect (Talmud Smachot 1:1). The Jewish religion also believes: One may not close the eyes of a dying person (Talmud Smachot 1:1). Rabbi Merri interprets this saying as, It is to be compared to a sputtering candle which is extinguished as soon a person touches it so too, whoever closes the eyes of a dying person is compared to have taken the soul ( science /Doctor-Assisted_Suicide.asp). Islam also criticizes euthanasia. Muslims see life as being sacred, since Allah provided it to them. Allah decides how long each human being will live, not a doctor. It states in the Quran 5:32, If anyone kills a person unless it be for murder or spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he killed the whole people ( euthanasia. shtml). The Quran 3:145 clearly establishes, And no person can ever die except by Allahs leave and at an appointed term ( shtml). This rule also applies to Christianity. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2003) states: All forms of suicide and euthanasia remain strictly prohibited, but questions of moral culpability and eternal salvation are left open ( In the Orthodox Church decisively is in opposition of euthanasia and considers it as, as form of suicide on the part of the individual, and a form of murder on a part of others who assist in this practice, both of which are seen as sins. The Church does not expect that excessive and heroic means must be used at all costs to prolong dying, as has now become possible through technical medical advances ( Depending on your citation style requirements, this quote should probably be in block format since it is longer than 40 words.) Internationally, there are over 3.3 billion Christians, Muslims, and Jews who are opposed to euthanasia ( . However, Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist groups make up 850 million of the worlds population ( Atheists question the truth in religion; therefore they do not recognize euthanasia as a sin, or as a form of suicide. (Are you suggesting that all of these people believe euthanasia is a positive thing?) Even though theology is governed by powerful messages, it’s still not a reliable source. Religion is still seen as just a theory, since it is just a belief. Humanity has not yet seen or conversed with a higher power, so the religious information provided to mankind has not been proven. On January 11, 2003 Dr. David Jerrrey wrote a letter to the editor of the newspaper the Financial Times. In the letter he stated, Terminally ill patients often fear being a burden to others and may feel they ought to request euthanasia to relieve their relatives from distress (cite). Given economic situations, many patients and families of the patients feel pressured by medical figures to turn to euthanasia. Michael Prowse wrote in the newspaper the Financial Times, published January 4th 2003, If euthanasia became socially acceptable, the sick would no longer be able to trust either doctors or their relatives: many of those earnestly counseling a painless, dignified death would be doing so mainly on financial grounds. Euthanasia would become a euphemism for assisted murder (Michael Prowse). Many feel psychologically pressured to consent to voluntary euthanasia because they maybe a financial burden to their loved ones. However, those who do personally require euthanasia without being forced will allow this practice to continue. Humanity has the choice of fundamental principles, being they believe they should be allowed to make the decision if they want to die, since it’s their own life. There is a shortage of hospital space, so those who have slim chances of living may feel that by them dying another who has a greater chance of life can have more attention by medical care (Michael Prowse). These arguments can be seen as a valid, which may overrule the fact that euthanasia is murderous. Individuals may sympathize with those who are in great pain, and feel they cannot continue on with life. Despite these intellectual reasons, euthanasia is a form of murder, and a practice that should be banned. Euthanasia is a deliberate act of killing. Since the beginning of mankind our world has been exposed to laws that forbid murder. In the Ten Commandments, thou shall not murder, (Citation?) has influenced recent laws. This ethnical issue must be solved, but with the help of communities (Remove comma) and countries. There are two forms of euthanasia that must be focussed on: active euthanasia, or inducing or assisting in the death of a person, who is undergoing intense suffering and who has no practical hope of recovery (cite), and passive euthanasia, which is withholding life-saving equipment or treatment, by medical equipment I mean surgeries, chemotherapy and other treatments beyond basic food, water, warmth, care and personal attention (cite). Each form must be individually looked at. Passive euthanasia is what society must accept. Active euthanasia contradicts the law (Remove comma) and commandments. The money that is being put into cloning and other scientific practices should be put towards cures that can stop the diseases which cause individuals to turn euthanasia. The truth is mankind continues to play the role of god. Our world is presently exposed to cloning; organ transplants, etc. (If this is a strictly formal essay, refrain from using etc. Rewrite your sentence to something like Our world is presently exposed to such morally compromising issues such as cloning and organ transplants.) This allows one to think that euthanasia will become a dominant practice internationally. More will rely on it (Remove comma) and see it as a consideration in their decision whether or not they want to live or die. Religion does contain truth. Only nature should have the power to decide when it is our time to go, but as technology continues to advance it provides mankind with the choice to determine one’s life or death. Illnesses do cause families grief and to suffering, but if humanity started to believe in faith again, maybe euthanasia would have to significance, (This is not a logical sentence; please clarify.) since we just lack hope. A doctor diagnoses a patient with cancer and automatically the patient senses death. What happened to believing in miracles and fate? Maybe mankind no longer believes in miracles simply because our world continues to destruct by war, poverty, and violence. We now turn to an easy way out, since the fight seems too long. Euthanasia is just a way to control our population and economy. It is a homicidal act that should be immediately stopped internationally. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Robert Latimer, and Dr. Arthur (Remove comma) were all charged with murder because they chose to practice euthanasia without medical consent. These three men were charged with murder, which proves this operation is murderous (Remove semi colon) despite it having the word medical behind it. If a doctor performs euthanasia on a normal individual it should be equally weighed because it is a deliberate act of murder. Theology condemns euthanasia simply due to it being considered a form of suicide or murder. Individuals are pressured into euthanasia because they are sick and their life becomes less important than one that is healthy.